Thundercats #1 Review
written by Matt 'Chaos' Fuller

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Dynamite Publishing's attempt to resurrect the iconic Thundercats franchise through its comic book rendition in issue #1 arrives amid a swell of anticipation from fervent fans eager to rekindle their childhood memories. However, the much-anticipated return to the mystical world of Thundera falls disappointingly short on multiple fronts, leaving readers grappling with a sense of disillusionment and missed opportunities.

One of the most glaring shortcomings of Thundercats #1 lies in its narrative execution. The storyline feels disjointed and lacks a clear trajectory, failing to immerse readers in the intricate lore and compelling character dynamics that once defined the franchise. Instead of embarking on an exhilarating journey through the vivid landscapes of Thundera, readers are left adrift in a narrative sea devoid of purpose or coherence. The pacing falters, marked by abrupt shifts in tone and direction that detract from the overall reading experience, leaving audiences yearning for the depth and resonance that characterized the original series.

Moreover, the characterization within Thundercats #1 leaves much to be desired. Once-vibrant characters such as Lion-O, Cheetara, and Panthro are rendered as mere shadows of their former selves, stripped of the depth and complexity that once made them so compelling. Dialogue feels stilted and uninspired, lacking the wit and charm that once defined the Thundercats' interactions. Rather than engaging in meaningful exchanges that shed light on their personalities and motivations, characters deliver pedestrian lines that do little to endear them to readers or propel the narrative forward. Fans of the original series will undoubtedly find themselves disillusioned by the shallow portrayal of their beloved heroes, longing for the rich character development and emotional resonance that once defined the Thundercats' adventures.

In terms of artwork, Thundercats #1 also fails to meet expectations. While technically proficient, the illustrations lack the dynamic energy and visual flair that one would expect from a series rooted in action and adventure. Panels feel static and lifeless, failing to capture the excitement and intensity of the Thundercats' world. Backgrounds are sparse and unremarkable, failing to evoke the sense of wonder and grandeur that characterized the landscapes of Thundera and beyond. Character designs lack the distinctive flair that set the Thundercats apart, further contributing to the overall sense of disappointment and missed potential.

Additionally, the decision to entrust Dynamite Publishing with the Thundercats revival feels misguided. Dynamite's track record with handling beloved franchises has been inconsistent at best, and Thundercats #1 does little to instill confidence in their ability to do justice to the source material. Instead of leveraging their expertise to breathe new life into the franchise and push the boundaries of storytelling, Dynamite seems content to deliver a lackluster rendition that fails to capture the imagination of readers or honor the legacy of the Thundercats.

Overall, Thundercats Comic Book #1 by Dynamite Publishing is a disappointing reintroduction to the beloved franchise. Failing to capture the magic of the original series in both its storytelling and artwork, this inaugural issue falls short of its potential at every turn. Longtime fans of the Thundercats will undoubtedly find themselves yearning for the days when the heroes of Thundera were at the peak of their glory, rather than grappling with this lackluster attempt at a revival that fails to recapture the essence of what made the Thundercats so beloved in the first place.

Thundercats #1 Review


Written by Matt 'Chaos' Fuller


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  • Jack10th February 2024 11:56 AM

    I totally agree with this. I was mega looking forward to the release, and after finishing the first issue, I might not even bother with the rest. The cover artwork is amazing though, so... Probably will lol.

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