Community Artist Showcase

Welcome to Fantasy Road's vibrant hub celebrating the extraordinary talents of our local and community artists!

Here, the pages of comic books come to life through the masterful strokes and imaginative visions of our dedicated creators. Unveil a world where superheroes, villains, and fantastical realms converge in a kaleidoscope of colors and narratives. Delve into an immersive experience that pays homage to the iconic artistry of comic books, fostering a community of passionate enthusiasts and visionaries. Join us on a captivating journey through the dynamic and awe-inspiring realm of visual storytelling, where each stroke of the pen or brush serves as a portal to boundless creativity and inspiration.

Do you want your art showcased on the Artists Showcase page? Well, you can! Reach out to us using the contact form now!

Master of Shadows, Conjuring the Eerie Beauty of the Human Psyche.

Creepysick, born in the mid-80s, is an enigmatic artist whose dark and haunting creations echo the deep-seated influences of 80s horror and pop culture, entwined with a passion for music and cinema. From the earliest days of childhood, Creepysick was known for fervently sketching and doodling, an innate talent that eventually led to academic pursuits in the realms of art and photography, resulting in notable achievements with impressive GSCEs and A-levels.

In the formative years, the artist found solace and inspiration in the eerie allure of 80s horror films, finding comfort in the chilling narratives that became an integral part of the artistic fabric. This early exposure laid the foundation for Creepysick's signature style, marked by a seamless integration of macabre imagery and intricate detailing that pays homage to the golden age of spine-chilling cinema.

Following a brief hiatus from the world of art, Creepysick rekindled their creative passion three years ago, re-emerging with a newfound dedication to the craft. Embracing a self-taught approach, the artist delved deep into the realm of portraiture, honing their skills with a focus on black and grey pencil work. This meticulous attention to detail and mastery of shading techniques form the cornerstone of Creepysick's hauntingly evocative portraits, capturing the essence of the human form while infusing an unsettling aura that lingers long after the initial gaze.

The moniker "Creepysick" was born out of a peculiar incident, a testament to the artist's irreverent and offbeat sense of humor. Inspired by a hilarious anecdote involving Joey Essex's whimsical remark about feeling "creepysick" during astronaut training, Creepysick adopted the name as a symbolic representation of their artistic identity, encapsulating the unnerving yet enthralling essence of their creations.

While their artistic journey continues to evolve, Creepysick remains deeply entrenched in the rich tapestry of horror and pop culture, drawing inspiration from an eclectic amalgamation of music, movie titles, and the broader cultural zeitgeist. Each stroke of the pencil serves as a conduit for exploring the intricate interplay between light and darkness, manifesting in a visual symphony that resonates with audiences on a primal and visceral level.

Beyond the shadows and eerie facades, Creepysick's work invites viewers to confront the duality of human existence, delving into the depths of the psyche and unearthing the profound complexities that define the human experience. With an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression, Creepysick continues to redefine the contours of contemporary art, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of the macabre and the surreal.

To purchase or commission a piece of artwork from Creepysick, reach out to him on  +44794303298.

Neil Campbell
The Drunken Bat!

My name is Neil, or the Drunken Bat.

I’m 41 and I have been a commission artist since 2020, most actively since the Covid crisis took hold worldwide. I had been doing some privately commissioned pieces prior to this, but realised that coronavirus was going to put a lot of people already struggling into a much more difficult financial position over the course of 2020 and probably beyond. How right I was!

The idea I had was to continue taking commissions, but instead of being paid directly for the piece, whoever commissioned me would instead buy shopping for a local foodbank. To date have now raised over £55k of donations to numerous local and national/international charities.

My art is primarily comic related, as I have had a love (obsession my better half would say) for comic books since I was a child and spent a lot of my childhood and teenage years sketching almost constantly before taking a near 20 year break.

Whilst I sketch traditionally, I primarily produce pieces digitally and have them printed to canvas frames.

It works like this: You commission me for the sketch you want. I sketch it. You donate to the charity of your choice. I send you the canvas, along with the original digital file,

And that’s me in a nutshell!

Neil states that the easiest way to get hold of him to commission a piece, would be via Instagram, or the Fantasy Road discord where he is an active member.

To check out Neil's Instagram, click here.

Check out the Drunken Bat shop
The Yorkshire Art Maverick

originally from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, now calls West Yorkshire home, where he lives with his wife and two children.

Despite lacking formal art training, his unwavering passion for artistic expression remained ever-present, even as he channelled it into career-driven pursuits. During lockdowns, he embarked on art tutorials with his eldest, rekindling his adoration for comic book and anime art forms.

Also drawn by the vibrant world of street art culture, BigBucksArt transitioned to the digital medium in 2022, courtesy of the encouragement and a considerate gift from his wife—an Apple Pencil. Presently, he produces the game day promotional images for his basketball team.

He also recently completed his first commission for an initiative aimed at teenagers and young adults in the Blackpool area.

His journey from a self-taught enthusiast to a digital artist stands as a testament to the formidable influence of passion and perseverance in the art world.

The best way to contact BigBucksArt is via his Instagram page below, or via the Fantasy Road Community Discord.


Check out BigBucksArt's instagram here
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