Cookie Policy

Fantasy Road Ltd (“we,” “us,” or “our”) uses cookies and similar technologies on our website, as well as any other interactive features, mobile applications, or other services we may offer (collectively, the “Services”). This cookie policy explains what cookies are, how we use them, and how you can manage your cookie preferences.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device by a website. They are used to remember your preferences, login information, and browsing history, among other things. Cookies can be either “persistent” or “session” cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your device after you close your browser, while session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • To enable certain features of the Services: We use cookies to enable certain features of the Services, such as remembering your login information.
  • To personalise your experience: We use cookies to personalise your experience on our website, such as by remembering your preferences and settings.
  • To improve the Services: We use cookies to improve the Services, such as by analysing how our website is used and by identifying areas for improvement.
  • To display advertising: We use cookies to display advertising that is more relevant to you.

Managing Your Cookie Preferences

Most web browsers allow you to manage your cookie preferences. You can set your browser to block or delete certain cookies, or to alert you when a website is trying to set a cookie. For more information about managing your cookie preferences, please refer to the instructions provided by your browser.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

We may update this cookie policy from time to time, and will post any changes on this page. Your continued use of the Services after any change to this cookie policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this cookie policy, please contact us at

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