Pick up tales! A weekend on the road.

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This weekend just gone was definitely a busy one! We received contact from two separate parties requesting that we purchase their collections. Fantastic! First we hammered out the details and agreed a price, then quickly jumped in the car to begin our super exciting adventure. Yes, that was sarcasm. As much as we love buying comic collections, the driving isn't all that fun... But that fact can change, provided you change your own mentality.

So let's start at the beginning. We're at point A -Home (Hampshire, near Farnham), our first stop would be point B, Banstead, home of the first comic book collection we would be purchasing. Next, Point C, Essex. Ugh, it's not just a long way, but we're driving through London, on a weekend. Fantastic.

Dark of mood and sour of expression, the Accountant and I hopped (more trudged really) to the car, slumping into our seats the entire journey whilst listening to miserable songs that cause the ears to bleed, like Nickelback, and that screechy one where some lady is singing about cats, or something. We arrive. Banstead is surprisingly nice, a little town on the outskirts of London that has that city feel to it, whilst at the same time staying somewhat rural. Surprisingly, the mood picks up. We find the house, bang on the door, and our seller opens the door. 

It turns out that our new friend is a lovely man that's had these comics for over a decade, and cooler still - they've been left in the hospital where he works for most of that time, in a delivery room. Amazing right? Cooler still, was that our new friend definitely knew how to treat his books - mostly from the 90s, but in IMMACULATE condition, each and every one bagged (if not boarded), and ordered by series and issue number. Doctor Comic Friend, you are a legend. The Highlights from this lot include a New Mutants 98 (First Deadpool), Avengers annual 10 (First Rogue), New mutants annual 2 (First Betsy Braddock), Uncanny X-men 221 (First Mr Sinister) and TONNES more. Perfect!

Now, with moods a little lighter, we decide to check out the town for lunch before moving on to the next lot, so we go for a wander. Despite being a pretty nice place, the town centre was decidedly lacking when it came to restaurants, though had a weird amount of cafés. After a while we find a lovely looking Italian, which of course suits me fine. Pizza for lunch? Ain't gonna say no. In we trot, only to be told that today, they have no chef. WELL THEN. Back to the car we skip, not even this could knock our spirits. Off we go, deciding to skip lunch and instead go out for dinner, once we had collected the next lot. 


Pick up tales! A weekend on the road.

The drive was pretty long and boring, crossing the Dartford tunnel (which I despise) and navigating the broad roads to our next seller's house. Bang Bang Bang on the door. Our next friend opens up and invites me in, shows me the books, I hand over the cash and we shake hands. Great. But it gets better. We get chatting, and after a while it turns out he's a true nerd, and has a collection of stunning nerd-culture items that he's now selling to form a bit of a nest egg for his Granddaughter. What a lovely chap.  I stay a while longer, being shown an amazing Sith Lightsabre custom build, the thing was incredible, until eventually I realise I've left the Accountant sat in the car on her own, and realise if I stay any longer, I would likely not see another day.

I say my goodbye, and depart. 

Another win. This lot was purely star wars, an entire shortbox full, including three full runs of Darth vader (First app Dr Aphra), Full Kanan (First Kanan), Thrawn complete run and tonnes of other awesome keys.

Hunger then won out, causing us to shoot over to Bluewater (A massive shopping centre in Dartford, well worth a visit), where we ended up at a lobster shack. Awesome food, incredibly fast, and mouth-wateringly tasty. The Accountant also indulged in other ways, ordering herself a frozen Pina Colada (Keep in mind just one) and ended up sozzled for the rest of the duration of the trip.


Two comic book collections purchased around London, AND a Lobster based dinner. Life is good.

If you want to sell a comic book collection, or even just sell a single comic book, give us a shout now! 


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