Petrol Head #1 / Review by Brian Bullen
written by Brian Bullen

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W: Rob Williams

A&L: Pye Parr

In a climate crisis-ravaged future metropolis, an old, grumpy, obsolete, smoke-belching, cigar-chomping, HOTROD-RACING ROBOT is one 12-year-old girl’s only hope. Together, can they outrace the chasing Robo-Cops with an invention that might just save humanity?



This was a really great read from start to finish. Straight away you are pulled into the setting and introduced to our main character. You get an instant feel for what he is like and the tone the comic will take with that initial interaction. Then we really get going with the racing. It's a great way to introduce us to the world and concept of the series. We also get a glimpse as to an enemy/villain for the series and what they are capable of. After we have met our other main characters, including a wisecracking robotic sparrow, we get to the story proper, and what a story this is going to be.

The writing and character creation is spot on, especially Petrol Head, our main character. The world building is done really well and we learn all we need while at the same time getting to see some real hi-octane action. The pacing is done well and there are some quite tense moments throughout. There is action, humour and danger all mixed in together along with a very interesting story concept that will keep us gripped as the series continues.

The art is bright and bold and presented in a well defined style. There is a really dynamic feel to the artwork, especially in the racing panels there is a real sense of motion with the blurring and light streaks. When the story is more slow moving the artwork is no less impressive and the character designs here are really impressive, especially The O, who dominates the page when he is first introduced. Also impressive is the way different colours are used to convey the emotions on Petrol Heads face and his eyes change to go with this as well.


Petrol Head #1 / Review by Brian Bullen

This was a really great issue, there is much more to it  than I thought there was going to be. It has a more emotional depth to the story than I assumed it would. Great writing and artwork really enhance the issue and I think this will be a series worth following ongoing. I am looking forward to seeing what the next issue brings, I would give this 8 out of 10, does actually what you want from a first issue.

Written by Brian Bullen


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