FRCS issue #4

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Well fuck that. Pete thought, a dark grin splitting his lips as his hands balled into fists at either side of him.

"Pete..." Silence's warning went unheeded as the massive man spun at a speed that should be impossible for his size, his assailant't wrist gripped in his iron grasp, knocking the blade away as his hand twisted with a gut-wrenching snap, leaving the other man's hand hanging limp before he started to scream. Wasting no time, the barbarian plucked the falling sword from the air, using his momentum as he rose to plunge the blade upward, into the soft vulnerable skin beneath the jaw and upward into the brain, causing two things to happen simultaneously. Firstly, the man silenced, the scream erupting from his lips gone as quickly as it had come, combined with the second thing, which was the pointed tip of the sword connecting with the man's skull with a strange clunk, Pete's impossible strength lifting the man into the air before he released the weapon, allowing him to crumble to a lifeless heap to the floor.

He growled, rounding on the next man - An ugly little chap with a blade pressed to the back of Sazaabelle's neck. Saz met his eyes, her stare dark, before a sharp whistle hummed from pursed lips. And then the man was gone. A black blur detaching from the shadows with a growl, hurtling into her captor's side, a pair of gleaming white teeth tearing into the tender flesh of the man's neck in fountains of blood. All before he had a chance to scream.

One of the other men had recovered just about enough to begin his wary advance, two daggers in either hand, knees bent into a stance that made it clear that he was indeed an experienced knife fighter. Good. Pete's smile grew wider, the effort of which seemingly unnerving the man further. Not enough it seemed, as he darted forward, blade flashing in the dim light. Pete sidestepped easily, his fist flashing out as the other man passed with a look of surprise, connecting with his back with another sickening crunch, breaking his spine as he too crumbled to the floor, eyes wide in horror, finding himself paralysed.

"Silly little man." Pete chuckled.

"Roy?" A confused voice called out, causing Pete to turn around.

"Kieran?" The chubber exclaimed in surprise.

"What the fuck are-"

"You doing here?" The two men finished each other's sentences, then blinked in confusion.

"Meat, what the fuck is going on?" The other remaining man snapped, blade hefted as if unsure whether or not to swing.

"Meat?" Chubber's confusion grew.

"Meat sweats, it's a long story involving two transgender hookers, a melon, an all-you-can-eat steak buffet... And a lot of sweating." The way the man said this, as if it were just simply matter of fact, tickled Pete, who began to howl in humour. The other remaining man taking this as a de-escalation and lowering his blade, a slight grin on his own face that only lasted as long as it took for Pete's fist to take him in the throat, crushing his windpipe. "Will you please stop killing my fucking men?"

"What men?" Pete asked simply, looking around for more. A move taken up by Roy's apparent friend as he frowned, searching for backup and finding nothing but the dead or dying.

"Fair point. Crack on." Pete nodded, then stamped on the choking man's skull with another loud crunch, all the while maintaining eye contact with their apparent leader.

"King's business mate, can't really give too much info." Chubber puffed his chest out importantly, pretending to inspect his nails as he spoke.

"Fair enough lad, well-"

"Alright, alright Kieran, mate. Calm down. I'll fucking tell you." The chubby man shook his head as if annoyed, looking at the others with a 'this guy, eh?' Expression. "King Lorian has charged us, his best men, with recovering his daughter."

"Recovering his daughter, eh?"

"That's right."

"Fuck it, I'm in."

"What?" The angry mage spoke up, looking from one man to the other. "What do you mean, you're in?"

"Well, you lot killed my crew." He paused, staring at the paralysed man, his terrified eyes flickering about the assembled. "Mostly." Jay flicked his fingers, a flash of blinding light that pulled a layer of sweat from all exposed skin, and then the downed man was gone. A pile of ash left in his wake. "I stand corrected. Anyways, that means I now have fuck all to do. Recovering a princess sounds like fun." He shrugged.

"But we just killed your men?" Silence asked with a frown.

"You did. Actually, that one-" He pointed at the man with the smooshed head. "That one was my little brother." Pete blinked, lifting his boot with a sticky line of gooey red-grey attaching him to the pancake that was Keiran's brother's head.

"Whoops." He rumbled, though the other man gestured dismissively.

"Guy was a cock. Stole a biscuit from me twenty years ago, Never forgot it. Got what he deserved."

"A biscuit?" The Keegan grunted.

"Fuck me, that thing can talk?" He took an involuntary step backwards away from the grotesque man.

"Sort of." Chubber grunted.

FRCS issue #4

"Enough." Silence spoke simply, her massive pet rising from his haunches as if understanding her words. "We need to leave. We are already playing catch up." Pete nodded. Moving off after the blonde woman as she left the stone chamber. 

What even was this place? Pete realised that in the commotion he hadn't so much as glanced at his surroundings. It smelt... Damp. The plain grey stone rocks glistened slightly, lit by cracks in the domed roof where the midday sun could be seen beyond.

"Smelly place." He grunted.

"It's an ancient Voiysan portal chamber." Meat sweats answered him, gesturing around the room as they walked toward the door. "Surprisingly, these fuckers are used relatively often by the extremely wealthy."

"Hence why you were sat in wait, to rob them blind?" Silence's words emotionless.

"That's right lil'lady." He nodded at her with a smile that was not reciprocated. 

"Best watch your tongue, little man, if you hope to keep it." Pete warned, chuckling as he spoke. Meat sweat's eyes widening slightly as Hank, the wolf, turned to glare at him balefully, almost once again as if he had understood the conversation.

"Noted." The new arrival stated.

"Where are we even going?" Jay asked, ignoring the commotion.

"We've got to stop by and see someone. Someone that may have information for us." She stopped before a black door, knocking four times.

"Password." Came a deep rumble from the other side.

"Let me the fuck in, or I'll cut your fucking cock off." She spoke back.

"Oh shit." Came the response as the door clicked, then swung open, emitting a tiny little man standing about four feet high. "He mentioned you might be by." The man spoke in the strange deep rumble. "In you go, you know the way." Sazabelle nodded, Hank leading them in through the door into a surprisingly opulent hallway, which they followed for a short while. A few twists and turns, passing brightly lit rooms, until the group arrived before a massive double door, iron shod, with two men in red robes standing guard before it.

"Who dares approach the-Umphhh." The speaker's booming warning stifled as Saz planted a fist in his gut, causing him to double over as the other man scrambled to pull the door open before she could approach him.

"Hi Saz." He smiled with a terrified expression.

"Brady." She nodded, moving through.

"You punched Ben again, didn't you." Came a call from the back of the hall-like room, a dark haired man with hair shaven short slouched within a red robe, similar to the guards, though far more luxurious, across a giant black throne.

"Hello Grant." She shot back.

"It's Chaos." He snapped, swinging his legs off from the chair and standing.

"As in... The... The God? Chaos?" Royston asked, though his question was met by a snort from the blonde haired woman.

"Grant claims to be Chaos reborn, a God, locked in mortal form."

"What, like a clone of Chaos?" The chubby man asked in confusion, noticing for the first time the symbol of Chaos that seemed in abundance about the hall.

"I don't claim Sarah, I am." he frowned, then grinned. "And as long as people keep throwing money at my feet and waiting on me, I will stand by it." Saz smiled, an alien sight, then shook her head in amusement.

"We need information." She said.

"The King's daughter?" Pete's blonde friend hid her surprise well, either that or she had already expected the man to know. "The Peeler came through about four days back. Headed towards the Serpentlands, though I assume you already know that much." She nodded. "Well, I guess we best be off then."

"We?" Surprise showing for the first time on the assassin's face. "You realise that the last time I saw you, you were attempting to bury a blade in my back?" She flicked her wrist, a glittering black knife seemingly solidifying within her fingers. 

"That, my dear, was business. Nothing personal." Strangely, the man appeared unfazed, despite the conflict clear on the killer's face. "Plus, you're still here, aren't you? No hard, no foul."

"I shat through the eye of a fucking needle for a year."

"Well, that's what happens when you don't pay attention to the dosage requirements of a poison created to kill." He shrugged. "Rather brown knickers than the alternative."

Pete moved as the pair talked, the other man seemingly oblivious to him, his attention locked as it was to the other assassin, a woman he clearly had history with. The barbarian stopped directly behind him, the sword of a dead-man grasped in his great paw...


Should our brutish dumb arse cleave this prick from ear to arse? What would happen if he did? Does the Clone of Chaos die, or is he prepared? You decide. 

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