written by Matt 'Chaos' Fuller

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A Quick Overview

BRZRKR is a gripping comic book series co-written by Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt, with illustrations by Ron Garney. The series, published by BOOM! Studios, made its debut in 2021 and quickly gained attention for its intense narrative and unique creative collaboration.


The Fleshy Bit

The story revolves around an immortal warrior known only as "B," who has been alive for thousands of years. B is a government operative, undertaking dangerous missions in exchange for the promise of discovering the key to his own mortality. The narrative seamlessly weaves between the present and various historical periods, providing readers with a captivating exploration of B's tumultuous journey through time.

BRZRKR delves into themes of identity, the human condition, and the consequences of immortality. It raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of violence, sacrifice, and the pursuit of meaning in an endless existence. The series skillfully combines action-packed sequences with moments of introspection, creating a dynamic and engaging reading experience.

Ron Garney's illustrations are a standout feature of BRZRKR, capturing the brutal intensity of the protagonist's battles and the emotional depth of the narrative. The artwork complements the gritty tone of the series, immersing readers in a visually striking world that enhances the overall storytelling.

The character of B undergoes significant development throughout the series, offering readers a nuanced exploration of his motivations, struggles, and the burden of immortality. The supporting cast adds layers to the narrative, contributing to the complexity of B's journey.


Our Conclusion

BRZRKR stands out as a compelling and visually stunning comic book series that combines Keanu Reeves' narrative vision with Matt Kindt's storytelling expertise and Ron Garney's artistic prowess. Fans of action-packed narratives with deep philosophical undertones will find BRZRKR to be a captivating and thought-provoking addition to the world of graphic storytelling... Although, I personally found the writing and the story a bit lacklustre. Don't get me wrong, this is one of my favourite series of the year, but this was solely due to the cover artwork and the concept. My issue was that the concept was never truly brought to life, and by god, it could have been fantastic. 

This one is near-impossible to rate out of ten, but if I had to break it down, it would go something like this.

Story: 4/10

Cover art: 10/10

Therefore, the overall rating for us would sit somewhere around a 7/10

Written by Matt 'Chaos' Fuller


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  • Greg Alwey12th January 2024 12:16 PM

    I loved this storyline, though I get your point regarding the concept never being fully realised. Good review!

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