Key Collector

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the holy mecca of the comic collector. The Bible, for all of those who partake in the collecting of old bits of paper.

Not only is this one of the best ways to check out which comics hold value (though as a side note, the prices on here are vague and inaccurate - perfect for working out WHICH books you should research, but not for the value itself), But it is also the worlds largest database of books containing a key event.

Key events are what gives a comic book the potential to rise in value. Age is a modifier, but the real moneymakers are the key events. This website compiles EVERY key event in EVERY comic book, with an easy to use fantastic search function, and a comprehensive lists of categories for you to explore at your own leisure. Aswell as this, these guys also have a mobile app!



Check the website out here


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